The Process

If you’ve read over everything on our website, checked out several examples and have a good understanding for what it is that we do and are ready to book here’s a run down of how the process works.

STEP 1: Watch our examples AND Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

STEP 2: Read about the different types of scenes and packages that we offer. Once you’ve decided you’d like to shoot, click on “Booking” to be taken to our booking calendar, where you can book a date and time slot that works for you! Payment is required at that time to lock in that time slot.

STEP 3: We will reach out via email to gather information from you to help us write a scene specifically catered to you.

STEP 4: Wait to receive the script where you can either approve it, or suggest changes.

STEP 5: Confirm the script!

STEP 6: Arrive on set with wardrobe options, hair and makeup ready, prepared with the script OFF BOOK.

STEP 7: We will help you choose wardrobe, set up lighting on set (which will allow you time to rehearse if you so desire.) We will shoot the scene, starting with coverage on one of you for several takes (usually 1-3 takes) we’ll give direction and feedback to help you make it that much better. We will then turn around and get coverage of the other actor. That’s it! Your acting choices are yours to make.

STEP 8: We begin the post production process. In some cases we have been known to have turn around times as fast as 48 hours, but expect it to take at least a couple of days. We will send you a wetransfer link to download your scene where you will be free to upload it wherever you wish!

And that’s it! It’s a very easy process!